Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 12-1-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, about half of oatmeal
Snack 1: 9:15, bunnies and raisins
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:00, some quinoa, all edamame, some carrots, a couple bites of yogurt and granola, most applesauce, a bite of cheese, most hummus (see notes about lunch)
Nap 2: 1:05-2:50
Snack 2: 3:05, dried fruit and cereal
BM: 8am, 12:45pm
Special notes: So, lunch was interesting today. Flora just seemed to want a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I made the mistake of putting Flora’s main container on her tray when I probably should have spooned out a little bit at a time. She dumped everything out onto her tray, so it got all mixed together, and then she mostly just kind of picked at it instead of eating it. So, some of that was wasted. Then I gave her the cheese stick, which she took a couple bites of and spit most of it out (the bite-marked cheese stick is in her lunch bag! :). So then she had a pile of quinoa, carrots, and a bitten cheese stick with a few already-chewed bites all sitting in a pile on her tray, and she wanted more. Haha She seemed to want apple sauce, so I gave her about half in her orange bowl, and she ate about all she could get with her spoon. She then wanted more, so I poured the rest in, but she didn’t eat all of it and wanted more of something else. So I thought, “Well, apples are fruit. It wouldn’t be too bad mixed with yogurt.” She wanted yogurt, so I poured the yogurt in with the apple sauce and added granola. She took about a bite or two and decided she was done. So, that explains the container of weird-looking yogurt in her lunch box. :) The last thing: I had already taken everything away and started cleaning, and she decided she wanted milk, which was fine. So I gave her some milk and turned around to clean a couple dishes. Well, when I turned back around, there was milk everywhere! Down her shirt, on her pants, on the chair, on the floor. Haha I have no idea how that happened, but now you have an explanation for her change of clothes. And there you have it! Lunch with Flora. :)

Name: Samuel
Date: 12-1-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: 7:30am, about half of eggs and all of toast with PB
Snack 1: 9:15, O’s
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12, most blueberries, most peas with PB, most rice and beans
Nap 2: 1:05-2:45
Snack 2: 3:05, grapes
BM: 12:45
Special notes: Samuel was loving eating with a spoon today! I have been using the black plastic spoon since, Andrea, you told me he wouldn’t use a baby spoon but also so he doesn’t hurt himself with a big metal one. He’s doing great with it! Using a spoon, though, usually means a full bib at the end of lunch, and today before I thought to grab his bib, he took it off to show me he was finished and dumped everything on the floor. Haha

A few things we did today: We stayed in the house today. We went through the alphabet and watched Kermit’s alphabet, read books, etc. Today (inspired by Brad and Milo!) I got out one of my tents and set it up in the middle room. The kids loved it! What was funny, though, is that I don’t think either one of them, even with as many times as they came in and out of it, ever made it in or out without tripping over the lip. I guess they’re not quite old enough to learn from their mistakes. :) We had some pillows and a blanket inside, so the kids loved it. The lip-tripping was funny, though, because sometimes I was lying down inside, and so when the kids tripped, they came crashing down—on me! :) Needless to say, we had fun.

General notes:

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