Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24, 2012

No Pics Today.

Name: Flora
Date: 1-24-12
Arrived: 7:15am
Breakfast: 7:15am, most of egg, some cereal with dried fruit and milk, a few blueberries
Snack 1: 10:20, some apple, some rice chex, and some cereal with dried fruit
Nap 1:----
Lunch: 12:10pm, all cheese, all hummus, all grapes, all blueberries, all carrots
Nap 2: 1:15-2:15
Snack 2: went home with Grandma!
BM: 11:30am
Special notes: When Flora wanted Sammy to get into the kitchen so they could eat today, she ran into the other room yelling, “Come on, Sammy!” :) Wow, she’s moving on to complete sentences!!

Name: Samuel
Date: 1-24-12
Arrived: 7:45am (woke up at 7:55am)
Breakfast: all of banana/PB/oatmeal mix, all of bread
Snack 1: 10:20, rice chex, a little apple, cereal and dried fruit, 1 PB ball
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:10, all cottage cheese, some Mexican rice mix, most sweet potato, most mixed fruit, a little banana
Nap 2: 1:20ish-2:15
Snack 2: 3:15, blueberries and pretzels
BM: during nap, 2pm
Special notes: Sammy was MUCH less clingy today at the Tri. He grew up a lot over break! He was happy and smiling and running around without me. It was wonderful.
Sammy didn’t nap very long today, so I let him stay up there a while. I even went up and changed him and found his blanket on the floor. I thought maybe then he would go back to sleep…no such luck. Sorry if he is grumpy tonight! I think he keeps waking up because of his coughing. He sure looked tired, just couldn’t sleep I guess.

A few things we did today: Went to the grocery store, went to the Tri! Sammy and I also backpacked.

General notes: Both of the kids are great at the Tri. It is fun to see them run around and play with other kids. They still don’t play “with” other kids too much, but more than before, and they are very well-mannered. Flora and Sammy both love looking at a little tiny baby that comes to the Tri. Milo was there, too, so we had a great time.

I talked to Brad about possibly taking the kids to the zoo on Friday. It is supposed to be mostly sunny and in the 40s, so I thought we could handle that. This would mean putting the seat in the back of the van, and it would mean messing up their sleep schedule a little bit. I wanted to check with all of you before I made that decision. Let me know!

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