No Pics Today.
Name: Flora
Date: 2-7-12
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, a little cereal, multigrain bar
Snack 1: 10:15, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1:----
Lunch: 12:05, most grapes, all yogurt and granola, about half of mac and cheese mix
Nap 2: 1:15-3pm
Snack 2: 3pm, mix
BM: 3pm
Special notes: I am not sure if you have seen her do this yet, but today was the first time I have seen Flora be able to use the slide at the gym all by herself! She climbed to the top, was able to get her feet around, and went down without help at all. She’s growing up!
Also to note, she fell down today while pulling around a toy, and her hand was caught when she fell. I think she is just fine, but just in case she whines a little about her finger, that’s why. I thought maybe it looked a tiny bit swollen or bruised. To make sure she was fine, I pressed on it lightly and asked her if it hurt, to which she nodded, but then started giggling… :)
Name: Samuel
Date: 2-7-12
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: most of eggs and veggies, and I can’t remember what else you gave him Andrea…but no need for a pancake today. He was done.
Snack 1: 10:15, pretzels
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:05, a few green beans, most of the chicken, the rest of the yogurt and oatmeal, all of pineapple and melon, didn’t want peas or pasta
Nap 2: 1:00-2:05
Snack 2: 3pm, potato and cheese, blackberries
BM: 12:45, 2:30
Special notes:
A few things we did today: went to the Tri! We also finger-painted, played music, and the usual.
General notes: Finger painting was finally a success! Sammy wasn’t too terribly interested, but he didn’t seem completely grossed out this time, and Flora really got into it! Granted, it only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was 5 minutes of joy rather than 5 minutes of torture for them this time. :) I think this will just keep getting better as the kids are more willing to explore new things.
Also, we were a little more intentional about colors today than normal.
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