After Flora left and Samuel decided not to nap, we played with the camera.
Flora loved playing the djembe today!
Samuel wanted to read all the once... :)
Samuel and Flora were having fun looking at each other and touching hands.
Name: Flora
Date: 8-23-11
Arrived: 7:15am
Breakfast: Flora didn’t want to eat much. I tried combining foods and giving them separately. She wasn’t very interested in anything. She ate one of the pancakes, a couple bites of banana and PB, and wouldn’t touch the yogurt (Sammy ate it instead and I put the un-opened one in Flora’s lunch box…they had the exact same kind of yogurt, so it worked out well).
Snack 1: 10am, finished cereal snack from before breakfast
Nap 1: ---- (tried, but she wasn’t tired)
Lunch: 12pm, ate everything except yogurt and even finished the leftovers from breakfast!
Nap 2: She seemed tired at 1:15 when she was picked up by Diane
Snack 2:
BM: 1pm
Special notes: Flora is such a treat to be around and so well-behaved. She had already started lunch when I had to get Samuel from his nap, and she waited in her chair patiently while I got him and changed him.
Today while I was in the fridge, I turned away to the countertop and Flora snuck her fingers into the door…She only cried for a few seconds, so I think she was fine, and the fridge door has that padded seal around it; I don’t think it was enough to bruise or anything, but just so you are aware. I will have to keep better eyes on quick little fingers!
Name: Samuel
Date: 8-23-11
Arrived: 8am
Breakfast: ate almost everything minus a little oatmeal
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: He was rubbing his eyes so I tried 9:15, but he wasn’t ready (just sat and babbled in his crib for a few minutes), put him back down at 10:15 or so, but I don’t think he fell asleep until about 10:35.
Lunch: 12pm, didn’t like the peaches, and I think the carrots were too hard for him…he tried to eat them, and took a while, but then he suddenly spit out 3 bites of carrot at once! He was storing them up for later I guess. :)
Nap 2: He seemed a bit grumpy at 2:15, so I thought I’d lay him down and see if he was tired. I kept waiting and waiting as he just kind of fidgeted and babbled…he never did go to sleep!
Snack 2: ----
BM: 12pm, 3:15pm
Special Notes: When I changed Samuel at 9am, he had soaked through his clothes (again). This was only 2 hours after getting up. Do I need to change him more often? He also soaked through after his nap at noon. He is still, of course, enjoying chasing after Flora and smiling a ton!
A few things we did today: Went on a two-mile walk, looked at Flora’s picture book (with Flora), read books, played with the ball, danced and listened to Flora’s CD (that’s a great CD, Adriane!), played the djembe (Flora did while Samuel was napping, and then Samuel played very briefly after Flora left)
General notes: It didn’t take long for Flora to warm up to Samuel. She kept turning around and reaching for him and looking at him while in the stroller. She is also going over to him now during play time instead of running away, AND she shared some of her chicken with him at lunch! :) Instead of sitting between them at lunch today, I sat to one side and let them be next to each other. It was really fun watching them interact, showing off for each other, and sharing. They really seem to be getting comfortable with each other as well as with me.