Name: Flora
Date: 8-24-11
Arrived: 7:00am
Breakfast: ate all oatmeal, green beans, and blueberries
Snack 1: 10am, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: noon, ate just about everything packed (cheese, chicken, veggie, grapes)
Nap 2: 1:20-2:50
Snack 2: 3:15, strawberry bar
BM: 9am, 1pm
Special notes: Flora loves to point at things and say, “That!” to ask about different objects. She is already so inquisitive! :) She doesn’t seem too interested in drinking milk, so that’s why there is quite a bit left in the container every day. She seems pretty content with water. With her disinterest in yogurt, I would think maybe she didn’t like dairy, but that can’t be true because she loves that cheese!
Name: Samuel
Date: 8-24-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: ate before coming
Snack 1: 11am, a few bites of cantaloupe
Nap 1: 9:45-10:50am
Lunch: noon, didn’t want carrots but I snuck a few in with hummus (of which he ate quite a bit!), didn’t seem too interested in the chicken, either, but ate all of his cantaloupe. It was funny to watch him try to eat the rice noodles! He seemed to really like them at first, but then I think he just got frustrated and didn’t eat very many.
Nap 2: Went down at 3:05pm, but didn’t fall asleep until 3:20-3:25pm
Snack 2: ----
BM: 1pm
Special notes: I definitely think Sammy is ready for a sippy cup! He was holding his water and drinking just fine today. I can work with him some on tipping it up if you want to try again. I also tried getting him to go up the stairs today…he is getting a little better, but not ready quite yet…
A few things we did today: played with bubbles, 2-mile walk, played in the water bin outside, listened to music, read, picked tomatoes, attempted to play in whipped milk (see notes)
General notes: It is so much easier when they are both awake at the same time! They play well together and entertain each other. During Sammy’s first nap, I tried whipping some organic milk into a froth and putting it on her food tray to play with (in place of whip cream or shaving cream). All she wanted to do was try to eat it, though, and when she found it wasn’t that tasty, she wasn’t interested in it. I tried it with Sammy during Flora’s afternoon nap, and he seemed to like doodling in it but also wasn’t interested in eating it after trying it and making a funny face. Jason came home before we really had a chance to get crazy. :)
They both loved the water today, too. It was time for lunch when we went inside. Otherwise, I think they would have played out there for the afternoon!
Nice photos! Mimi wants to see more!