Ready for a ride!
Having fun on the slides. Look at Flora's concentration face! :)
Both kids learning to get into mischief! hehe
Sammy with the maraca and both kids playing the drum...with chopsticks! :)
Name: Flora
Date: 8-29-11
Arrived: 7:05am
Breakfast: all of oatmeal and 1/2 of watermelon
Snack 1: cereal and raisins, 10am
Nap 1: 10:05am (went right down!)-11:15am
Lunch: 12, ate grapes, watermelon (the rest from breakfast), tiny bit of pasta (wasn’t interested), milk (drank more milk than usual!), all cheese. She still seemed hungry after lunch, so I gave her the rest of her cereal snack.
Nap 2: tried 2pm, 2:15pm, then a book and 2:30pm. She cried all times and wouldn’t go to sleep.
Snack 2: 1pm, cereal
BM: 8:30am
Special notes: Flora was all over the stairs today at the playground! In fact, I practically had to drag her away from them after a few turns because I was having trouble keeping up with her and watching Sammy at the same time! She loved climbing up to the platform. She also loved staring at another baby at the park and the airplanes that kept flying overhead. She was wonderfully behaved, as always.
Name: Samuel
Date: 8-29-11
Arrived: 7:15am
Breakfast: almost all of eggs and peas, all of PB and bread, 1/2 of banana
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: Put down at 10:05, but stayed in his crib quietly for 30 minutes, then babbled on and off for 30 minutes. Never slept.
Lunch: 12pm, didn’t eat much, didn’t want cucumber sauce, banana, yam, or pear. I gave him some sour dough bread and he ate all the yogurt.
Nap 2: 2pm-3pm
Snack 2: ----
BM: 1pm
Special notes: During lunch, Samuel held his ear almost the entire meal and was a little fussy. I hope he is not getting an ear ache again. You might want to keep an eye on that.
A few things we did today: After breakfast, we went to Oxford Community Park and played on the swing and playground. When we got home, we took a short walk around the neighborhood. Played with percussion toys, listened to music, read, visited the creek (Flora).
General notes: Both kids seemed a little off schedule today, but overall good. They seemed to enjoy getting out to the park, though that particular playground wasn’t the best for babies. Next time I might try the Tri-Center and also remember to bring the stroller so we have something else to do when they lose interest at the playground.
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