Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012

Name: Flora

Date: 3-8-12

Arrived: 7:15am

Breakfast: 7:15am, most of muffin (with PB), cereal, a couple bites of kiwi

Snack 1: 10:15am, rest of muffin, cereal, pretzels, and peanuts

Nap 1:----

Lunch: 12:05pm, all carrots (but not before crying first about it), some applesauce, some pizza

Nap 2: 1:15-2:30

Snack 2: 3pm, mix

BM: 12:30 (barely)

Special notes: OK, so you’ll notice Flora has a scrape on her chin…she was playing hard in the tunnel today (lots of screaming and giggling and running) and she decided to dive/fall in the middle of the tunnel, which took her off to the side with chin into the plastic car. Eeeeee…sorry… Otherwise, she’s been great today! I love how she will just walk up to people and invade their space so she can stare at them. Hehe She did that a couple times at the coffee shop (don’t worry, people usually think it’s cute) and she does that all the time to Spencer. She’ll just walk right up next to him and stare at him. Ha

Name: Samuel

Date: 3-8-12

Arrived: 7:30am

Breakfast: 7:30am, oatmeal, banana

Snack 1: 10:15, mini wheats

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 12:05, all rice, all sweet potato, all pineapple, all carrots (with pb)

Nap 2: 1:05-2:40

Snack 2: 3pm, cheese, pretzels

BM: 11:30am

Special notes: Whenever I had trash to throw away at the coffee shop, Sammy would gladly take it and throw it away for me.

A few things we did today: Today we ventured uptown for a while and hung out at Kofenya. Did other random things such as play with play-doh and music.

General notes: The kids were GREAT at Kofenya! After being there for about an hour, the lady sitting nearest to us even made a comment about how good the kids were. So, you all must be doing something right! :) We colored, looked out the window, and tried to read, though that didn’t last very long. When we go up there, they are mostly content to just look out the window and people watch. Oh, we also made paper airplanes and flew them.

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