Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012 PICS

For the Flora fans out there, I do apologize. Some of these pictures are from time here at the house "after hours", and so there are quite a few of Sammy (to my defense, he does live in the same house as me. :)) Anyway, I don't have another blog for posting non-babysitting pictures, so you'll just have to suffer through the extras of Sammy. :)

Daddy working on numbers and counting with Sammy, and Sammy smelling the beautiful flowers out front.

Jason was teaching Sammy a "double rock fist."

Sammy and bearded Daddy.

This was yesterday, at the library. Samuel loves brooms, but little did I know he would love ANY SIZED broom! He saw this at the library, immediately latched on, and started "sweeping" all over the place! This cracked me up.

Flora and Sammy playing with play-doh today with some cookie cutters, compliments of Grandma Mimi. :)

Here are a couple of pictures of Flora today at Kofenya. She decided to take a spot on the floor to read, and she loves to look out the window there!

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