Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17, 2012

No Pics Today.

Name: Flora
Date: 4-17-12
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, most of French toast
Snack: 10:30am, just a little bit of crackers
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:15pm, most of blueberries, all of cheese, most of veggies, a bite of banana, all applesauce, some hummus
Nap 2: 1:40-3:15
Snack 2: with Grandma
BM: 12:30pm
Special notes: Had a small snack today because other kids were snacking.

Name: Samuel
Date: 4-17-12
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: 7:30am, banana, slice of bread, eggs
Snack: 10:30, a few crackers
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:15, 2 bites of rice
Nap 2: 1:45-still sleeping!
Snack 2: not yet…
BM: 10am
Special notes: Had a small snack today because other kids were snacking. Lunch was a trial. I am not sure what was wrong with him…just tired? He ended up telling me that he wanted to take a nap, so I just gave up on lunch after a long bit of crying and tried to put him down. He didn’t want that either, though (I think he was in one of those “I’m so tired that I don’t even know what I want” phases). I tried bringing him back down to eat, tried putting him back down. He cried for a long time. Poor guy. The story goes on (it gets a little crazy), but you can ask me about it later…

A few things we did today: Went Krogering, went to the park, and went on a walk. We saw Milo at Kroger, and then again at the park, so the kids got some play time together. :)

General notes:

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