Name: Flora
Date: 4-18-12
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, half whole wheat blueberry pancake, half oatmeal
Snack: no snack
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:10pm, rest of oatmeal, all applesauce, all veggies, most cheese, I think that was it…? Seems like there was something else…
Nap 2: 1:10pm-2:40
Snack 2: 2:45pm, crackers
BM: 8am, 12:45pm
Special notes:
Name: Samuel
Date: 4-18-12
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: 8am, some oatmeal, most banana
Snack: No snack
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 12:10pm, some more oatmeal (most of the rest from breakfast), all carrots, all pizza, all melon, half pineapple, a little rice and cheese
Nap 2: 1:20pm-3pm
Snack 2: 3:15pm, mix
BM: 12:45pm
Special notes:
A few things we did today: Walked to the library!
General notes: I was a little nervous to try walking all the way to the library…I knew it could backfire if the kids got upset at the library and then we had a 35-minute walk ahead of us. Instead, it turned out beautifully! The kids were absolutely wonderful the entire way there and the entire way back, and we decided to stay for “story time,” which also went very well. The kids didn’t cry or whine or anything and just really seemed to take it all in. It was a lovely morning. Lunch was much better today, too, and they both went down for a nap with no hassle. Why can’t every day be like this?? :) Feel free to commend them for their outstanding behavior today. They really did do a super job.
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