No Pics Today.
Name: Flora
Date: 10-17-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: she wouldn’t eat at 7:15, but then she gave me the “eat” sign at 8:15, so she ate the pancake with PB and banana on it then
Snack 1: 9:15, cereal
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11am, some peas and sweet potato, all cheese, most grapes
Nap 2: She was quite from 12-12:25, but went I went upstairs to use the restroom, she started crying, so I’m not sure if she ever fell asleep or not. She looked tired, so I let her stay up there. She still wasn’t sleeping at 12:35, so I tried the drops and left her up there babbling. At about 12:50, I went upstairs again and read her a book. I left her room a little before 1 and let her try to sleep until about 1:15 when I finally gave up on her taking a nap as she continued to make high pitched cooing noises from the room. :) I thought she might coo herself to sleep, but no-go. Sorry if she is crabby tonight!
Snack 2: 2:00, bears and raisins, and at 3pm she shared a raw green pepper with me and loved it!
BM: 11:30
Special notes: Flora was definitely not herself today. She wouldn’t eat breakfast at first and wouldn’t interact with me like she usually does. She got better as the day went on, but she still wasn’t quite herself. I think it’s probably just her cold…
Name: Samuel
Date: 10-17-11
Arrived: 7:20am
Breakfast: 7:20am, all oatmeal with raisins
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11am, a couple potatoes, about half the veggie soup, most of the van. yogurt, a little PB, a few cantaloupe
Nap 2: 11:55am-1:25pm
Snack 2: 2:30, 1 cracker and raisins
BM: 2:45pm
Special notes: Sammy was hilarious today during our music time when I was playing “I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas” on the guitar. He stood right in front of me, no hands, and bounced up and down and stared at the guitar. It was hard to sing, then, because I was trying not to laugh. Ask Jason about it. :)
A few things we did today: went for a walk in the afternoon, played music downstairs, spent a lot of time in the middle room today just playing and exploring, “exercised”, and Flora colored a little bit with me while Sammy was still asleep. I tried to show Flora how to stick stickers on a paper, but once she found out it would stick to her fingers, she didn't seem to like it too much. :)
General notes: Both kids were very fussy at lunch…I don’t think either of them feels very well. Poor Sammy can’t breathe out of his nose, and so I think eating was really frustrating because he had trouble chewing because he had to keep opening his mouth to breathe. I really think that’s mainly why he was so upset. Flora’s nose seemed to clear up some, so she seemed ok, though she was really picky about food today and didn’t eat as much as normal.
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