Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Name: Flora

Date: 10-24-11

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: 7:15am, cereal and dried fruit with milk (didn’t want the yogurt)

Snack 1: 9:15am, cereal with dried fruit

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11:15am, all grapes, sweet potatoes, peas, and cheese, most of yogurt

Nap 2: 12:25-2:15

Snack 2: 2:50, crackers and raisins

BM: 10:30am

Special notes:

Name: Samuel

Date: 10-24-11

Arrived: 7:20am

Breakfast: 7:20am, eggs and bread

Snack 1: ----

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11:15am, some green beans (had to add PB, and even then he wouldn’t eat much), the rest of the bread from breakfast, wouldn’t eat potatoes, all yogurt, a couple bites of Jason’s lasagna

Nap 2: 12:20-2:25

Snack 2: 2:50, cheese and raisins

BM: 3:15pm

Special notes:

A few things we did today: went for a walk, went to the John Deere place on 27 to look at tractors and mowers, read books, went outside

General notes: The kids really enjoyed getting out and going to the John Deere store. When we were outside, Flora was more interested in picking up rocks, though, than in the big tractors. :) I wish we knew a farmer who would give the kids a ride in a combine as they start harvesting the corn this year…I have such good memories of riding with my grandpa. Maybe we’ll get acquainted with one sometime down the road…

Was checking the weather for this week, and tomorrow looks like the best day to get out (looks beautiful!), so I hope to get them out of the house and doing some things outside. Haven’t decided what yet, but I should have a good chunk of time in the morning if they are both on a one-nap schedule like they were today.

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