Name: Flora
Date: 10-5-11
Arrived: 7:15am
Breakfast: 7:20am, some oatmeal and raisins
Snack 1: 9:15, cereal
Nap 1: 10:35-11:10
Lunch: 12, little over half of mac and cheese with broccoli, all grapes
Nap 2: ----
Snack 2: 1:45, bears with raisins, also a few bites of apple at 3:20
BM: 8:45am
Special notes: Flora is obviously ready for just one nap. Today I was supposed to try a one-napper, but Samuel got up early, so for the sake of being easier on me, I decided to keep Flora on a 2-nap as well. She did not take an afternoon nap after trying for a LONG time, and it one nap is working at home on the weekends, then it should be fine here. So, unless she seems really tired for some reason, I’m going to start keeping Flora on a one-nap schedule. Sorry if she is cranky tonight! Also, I used a few of your wipes today on Sammy as I could not find any more for him in the house. I will replace them with Sammy’s when I find out where they are hiding. :) Also, at the park today, I was impressed that Flora was able to use the “all done” sign to let me know that she was done swinging…cool that she understands it in different contexts and not just food!
Name: Samuel
Date: 10-5-11
Arrived: 7:25am
Breakfast: done before arrival
Snack 1: 9:15, crackers
Nap 1: 10:30-11:25
Lunch: 12, all green beans (with PB), all cantaloupe, all cheese sandwich
Nap 2: still trying right now at 3:56…looks like he may go to sleep…?
Snack 2: 2:15, rice, also a few bites of apple at 3:20
BM: 12pm
Special notes: Sammy gets the award for being the first one to make me gag…haha. Worst poop ever so far…I even had to go wash it off with the hose outside. Also, as a side note, Sammy needs more wipes, please, or else you can let me know where the secret stash is hidden. :) Another note, I think Sammy is JUST beginning to get “more.” At one point he at least kind of shook his hand. So, maybe he’ll get it soon.
A few things we did today: went for a walk, sat outside for a bit, played in the middle room, played with Milo (yay!), went to the park at the Tri
General notes:
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