Andrea pointed out to me this morning that Flora almost often crosses her legs when she eats. How lady-like!
Name: Flora
Date: 9-12-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, all oatmeal
Snack 1: 9:45am, cereal
Nap 1: 10:30am-11:35am
Lunch: noon, all sweet potatoes, all turkey, all grapes, 1/2 banana
Nap 2: tried at 2pm and 2:30pm. No go.
Snack 2: cereal
BM: 1pm
Special notes: We were looking at a book today, and there was a shirt, and after I said, “shirt,” Flora said “Dah!” and pointed to Samuel’s shirt! :) There were other instances today that showed she is obviously learning words. Cool! She also repeated after me today when I asked her if she was happy. She kept saying “Happy! Happy!” :)
Name: Samuel
Date: 9-12-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: 7:45am, all oatmeal, a couple apple pieces
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: 10:30am-12:10
Lunch: 12:10, all beans, most of broccoli and wrap, a couple pears, all applesauce
Nap 2: 3:30-5
Snack 2: 1 1/2 crackers at 3:00pm
BM: can’t remember…? He did have one, in the morning sometime.
Special notes: Samuel is a getting a little bit of a rash on his bottom. I’m guessing you already knew this. Either way, today I’ve been using disposable diapers and also using cream.
A few things we did today: went for a long walk, played with the ball (Flora loved this today!), read a book (for once, BOTH kids actually sat on my lap and listened to the whole thing and seemed to enjoy it!), played piano, played outside, played in the water trough
General notes: I had some things to write, but I waited too long to post and now I’ve forgotten. Sorry! I did want to say that the kids love pots and pans and kitchen things! So fun to watch them play. :)
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