Sam decided he wanted more distinct eye brows, or I guess I should say eye brow. :)
Flora on the new toy of the day!
Name: Flora
Date: 9-8-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, ate everything…much better breakfast appetite today! Would not drink milk, though.
Snack 1: 9:30, cereal
Nap 1: 9:55-10:50?
Lunch: noon, all of cheese, some carrots and quinoa, and 1/2 an apple.
Nap 2: 2:00pm-3:15pm
Snack 2: ----
BM: 8:45-ish
Special notes: Flora specifically signed for “milk” today even when she wasn’t in her high chair, and that’s what she wanted! All day she didn’t want milk until after lunch, and that’s when she signed and then drank about 1/2 the bottle! She also uses one finger to her chin for “water.” Pretty smart little girl! :)
Name: Samuel
Date: 9-8-11
Arrived: 7:45am
Breakfast: 7:30, all eggs and kale, all pancake with blueberry
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: 10:30-12:40
Lunch: 12:45,
Nap 2: ???
Snack 2: 3:45pm, two wheat crackers
BM: 1:45pm
Special notes:
A few things we did today: Well, as we were stuck inside today, I tried to come up with some new things. We had a new car toy that fascinated both of them for a while, then I set up a blanket tent and tried to lure them in…Flora crawled through once, and that was the extent of the activity in the tent. Ha They both played in the Coupe quite a bit today, and I also found that they somewhat enjoy playing with a sheet (Flora loved being dragged around on it…Samuel, I’m not so sure…), we read a little, practiced crawling the stairs, oh…I almost forgot…they both loved playing and listening to the piano! Wish I had a picture of them at the piano, but they were on my lap, so that made it a little tricky. They also enjoyed me playing the recorder and the harmonica (Andrea, obviously Samuel is over his fear of harmonicas…) :) So, though we were inside, it was a busy morning.
This afternoon, after lunch I was a bit stir crazy, so despite the weather, we went for a walk. Flora was in the backpack with the rain cover on it, and Samuel was in the stroller with the rain fly. I had my rain jacket, and we had a nice stroll. Wish I had a picture of that, too! :)
General notes: Notes are above today.
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