Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 9-30-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15, a few eggs, all grapes
Snack 1: 9:15, cereal
Nap 1: 10:15-11:20
Lunch: 12:10, banana, the rest of eggs from breakfast (there were still a lot left), a couple bites of burger, all edamame
Nap 2: 2:20-3:50!!
Snack 2: 2:00pm, cereal
BM: 11:30 (Flora decided to poop 10 minutes after I changed her…ha. :) )
Special notes: We are almost out of wipes, so if you think to send some more, that would be great! The portable changing thing is completely out as well.

Name: Samuel
Date: 9-30-11
Arrived: 7:20
Breakfast: 7:20, eggs and applesauce
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: 10:20-12:00
Lunch: 12, most of everything…tuna, sweet potato, broccoli, and pineapple
Nap 2: ----
Snack 2: 2:30pm, PB and pancakes
BM: ????
Special notes:

A few things we did today: went for a walk, went to Kroger (those carts with the cars on the front are awesome! It’s better than the Cozy Coupe…TWO steering wheels and enough space for both at once, and they get to go all around a grocery store instead of a small house. How awesome!), listened to me play guitar and played drums just a little bit, practiced the alphabet with the power point (Andrea, if you ever want to use it, both copies are on the desktop…Drew and Adriane, if you want a copy, let me know which email I should send it to. The nice thing about it is you could add your own pictures and words…change it however you want!), played with Ben (Samuel…Flora was asleep), played with PB playdough (very briefly…I will try again with just Flora; Samuel only wanted to eat large portions!)

General notes:

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