Name: Flora
Date: 9-13-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, oatmeal
Snack 1: 10am, cereal
Nap 1: 10:30-11:25am
Lunch: 11:55am, yogurt, 1/2 banana, all sweet potato, almost all cheese and wrap, all grapes, and a good serving of milk
Nap 2: ----
Snack 2: ----
BM: 8am, 1pm
Special notes: Flora seemed to enjoy watching some of the other kids play in the park today. While Samuel was crawling around, Flora was often standing in the distance, looking longingly at the older girls who were running all over and playing on the equipment as if to say, “I wish I could run around and play like that!” :)
Name: Samuel
Date: 9-13-11
Arrived: 7:15am
Breakfast: 7:20am, all potatoes and cheese, all eggs, wouldn’t eat the peaches
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: no go, tried a couple different times
Lunch: 11:55, a little rice and beans but didn’t want it, so I tried just plain beans…he ate a couple and that’s it. All yogurt (with all the peaches from breakfast mushed into it). Since he didn’t eat much with substance, I gave him a banana with PB, which he loved.
Nap 2: 2:40-4:30
Snack 2: ----
BM: 1pm
Special notes: After Flora left, Sammy and I went to the store. He is so fun to have in the store. He smiles at a lot of people, which makes them so happy. He also started bopping up and down when we traveled under a store speaker that was playing hard rock music. Ha It cracked me up. I’m telling you…he’s going to be a musical genius. :)
A few things we did today: This morning, right after breakfast, we headed to Hanover Park on 130. It is a wonderful park for a variety of ages. We walked the stroller around the loop 2 times, played on the equipment and met Madison (2) and Dana (adult) who are also from Oxford. After playing, we walked the loop one more time, which I think was a little of a stretch…Flora seemed restless (I think she was tired) and Sammy seemed a little restless, too. Getting ready for the park, getting there, playing, and coming home took up a good bit of the morning, and the afternoon was mostly lunch, so with a little hanging out in between, that’s about all we did today since Flora left early (and of course Sammy went grocery shopping with me after that).
General notes: See above.
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