Name: Flora
Date: 9-14-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, all eggs and cheese, 1/2 banana
Snack 1: 9am, cereal
Nap 1: 10am-11am
Lunch: 12pm, most of turkey, sweet potatoes, and 1/2 banana, all grapes
Nap 2: 2pm-3pm
Snack 2: ----
BM: 1pm
Special notes: Flora is doing great with signs at lunch. I’ve really been trying to get her to understand “milk.” For some reason, she uses the sign for “water” and then “more” to show milk. I’ll keep working on it. :)
Name: Samuel
Date: 9-14-11
Arrived: 7:20am
Breakfast: 7:15am, most eggs, all pancake and PB
Snack 1: ate a little of Flora’s droppings. Also had a couple bites of cookie dough before lunch (don’t worry…no raw eggs! It’s the healthy recipe with all good stuff)
Nap 1: 10:10am-11:20am
Lunch: noon, was picky. Ate a few bites of lentils and rice, also ate a little of the soup from Monday, ate a whole banana
Nap 2:
Snack 2:
BM: 2:30pm
Special notes: Samuel pointed to the computer today and was kind of whining. I think he wanted music, so I made up a sign for music. I’ll have to show you so you can use it, too. :)
A few things we did today: went on a walk (pointed out a couple big rocks and also investigated a pine cone), made up a sign for “music,” played guitar and sang, practiced primary colors with the big foamy mats, played with Grandma Brenda, made our own tunnel and crawled through a few times, practiced on the stairs, read, put cookies in a tray (Flora)
General notes: The kids seemed to enjoy crawling through the tunnel we made. Flora has really been enjoying playing with the ball…she screams and laughs a lot! We hope to maybe go hiking tomorrow if the weather permits.
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