Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 10-31-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15, some eggs and potatoes…she didn’t eat much of it, though, so I gave her something else but now it is slipping my memory…fruit maybe?
Snack 1: 9:20am, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:30am, most peas, all hummus, all cheese, all grapes, most of the rest of breakfast
Nap 2: 12:20-1:25
Snack 2: 2:20, bears and raisins
BM: 11:45am
Special notes:

Name: Samuel
Date: 10-31-11
Arrived: 7:20am
Breakfast: ate beforehand
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:30am, a little bread, broccoli with PB, all sweet potato, all black beans, all blueberries, all cheese (he was hungry!)
Nap 2: 12:15-1:40
Snack 2: 2:20, apples and raisins
BM: 1:45pm
Special notes: Sammy was scratching his head a lot today. I know he’s had problems with dandruff, but it seemed to be bothering him more than normal today.

A few things we did today: We played in the middle room for quite a while this morning…they both seemed pretty content, and they both seemed really into the books this morning. Once the sun came out, we went for a crisp morning walk, today we also had fun with bubbles, played outside, practiced the alphabet

General notes: I am trying to transition lunch to a later time so when the time changes, we aren’t eating at 10am…Tomorrow we will eat at 11:30 again, then 11:45 the rest of the week. That way, next week we will be ready for a noon lunch time, which will actually be 11am when the time changes.

Also, the kids were great today! Not sure what was different, but they both just seemed to be very content.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27, 2011

No Pics Today.

Name: Flora
Date: 10-27-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, oatmeal
Snack 1: 9:15, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:15, most broccoli, all grapes, most couscous
Nap 2: 12:00-12:45
Snack 2: 2:15, cereal and dried fruit and a little bit of pineapple
BM: I think it was early afternoon…?
Special notes: When we went over the alphabet today, the letter “F” came on the screen, and she said “Flora”! Have you been working on this with her? I have never associated the letter F with her name before, so I was impressed! She also tried to pronounce “motorcycle”…it was hilarious! See if you can get her to say it. :) Also, I used the cream today, and her bum looked just fine.

Name: Samuel
Date: 10-27-11
Arrived: 7:20
Breakfast: already ate
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:15, all sweet potato, all chicken, most yogurt and oatmeal, all cantaloupe
Nap 2: 12:00-1:45 (but he stayed in bed and just rested until about 2pm)
Snack 2:
BM: 2pm
Special notes:

A few things we did today: we stayed inside most of the day, but we did get a walk in this morning before the rain. The highlight was getting out a HUGE container of blocks my parents brought. I think we’ll have a lot of fun with those.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2011 PICS

Since it was unexpectedly beautiful today, we spent a lot of time outside this afternoon. I wish I had taken this picture about 1/2 a second earlier because I almost missed Flora, but you can see both kids with their hands over their mouths. They thought it was funny today to make a droning noise and then move their hands back and forth over their mouths to make interesting sounds. It was really cute. I love it when they both do something back and forth to each other, as if they are communicating in their own little baby way. :)

October 26, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 10-26-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, oatmeal and raisins
Snack 1: 9:30, cereal and dried fruit, a little cheese
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:25am, a few sweet potatoes, all cheese, all peas, all grapes
Nap 2: 12:35-1:30
Snack 2: 2:10pm, crackers, cereal, and dried fruit
BM: 8:00am
Special notes:

Name: Samuel
Date: 10-26-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: already ate
Snack 1: 9:30, cheese and cake stuff and some of Flora’s cereal
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:25am, most of rice, all broccoli (with PB), all orange
Nap 2: 12:35-1:20 (yikes! It was probably one of those times when he was TOO tired to sleep)
Snack 2: 2:10, cranberries and the rest of the cake stuff
BM: afternoon sometime
Special notes:

A few things we did today: went for an early walk (it was so nice this morning!), played with Milo and went to the park with him, watched me put on a cooking show (ha…I was just putting in the ingredients for cookies, but they seemed to enjoy watching and also helped out a little bit), played outside, read

General notes: Sorry not much else to write…I’m a little brain dead tonight. I didn’t mean to post so late!! Sorry…

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25, 2011

No Pics Today.

Name: Flora
Date: 10-25-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, oatmeal
Snack 1: 9:25am, cereal, dried fruit, and crackers
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:15am, some peas and carrots, all cheese, all grapes, most of hummus
Nap 2: 12:25-1:35
Snack 2: left wit hGrandma
BM: 11:30am
Special notes:

Name: Samuel
Date: 10-25-11
Arrived: 7:20am
Breakfast: already ate
Snack 1: ----
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:15am, all potatoes, didn’t want green beans, some of the cake stuff, a little over half of meatloaf, and then he ate some of my cherry tomatoes! I was surprised.
Nap 2: 12:20-2:20
Snack 2: 2:30, craisins and banana
BM: 2:20pm
Special notes: I had stopped off some dry cleaning to a friend’s house and ran into another friend. We ended up talking for 30 minutes, and Samuel was so good the entire time. I was so impressed.

A few things we did today: went to the grocery store, went hiking on the Miami trails, went to the uptown parks; Sammy and I ran a couple errands and went to the community park.

General notes:

Monday, October 24, 2011

As I was going through the pics to post, I realized I was a little biased toward pics of Sammy today with the tractors...sorry for the Flora fans out there! I will try to be more equal next time... :)

October 24, 2011

Name: Flora

Date: 10-24-11

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: 7:15am, cereal and dried fruit with milk (didn’t want the yogurt)

Snack 1: 9:15am, cereal with dried fruit

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11:15am, all grapes, sweet potatoes, peas, and cheese, most of yogurt

Nap 2: 12:25-2:15

Snack 2: 2:50, crackers and raisins

BM: 10:30am

Special notes:

Name: Samuel

Date: 10-24-11

Arrived: 7:20am

Breakfast: 7:20am, eggs and bread

Snack 1: ----

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11:15am, some green beans (had to add PB, and even then he wouldn’t eat much), the rest of the bread from breakfast, wouldn’t eat potatoes, all yogurt, a couple bites of Jason’s lasagna

Nap 2: 12:20-2:25

Snack 2: 2:50, cheese and raisins

BM: 3:15pm

Special notes:

A few things we did today: went for a walk, went to the John Deere place on 27 to look at tractors and mowers, read books, went outside

General notes: The kids really enjoyed getting out and going to the John Deere store. When we were outside, Flora was more interested in picking up rocks, though, than in the big tractors. :) I wish we knew a farmer who would give the kids a ride in a combine as they start harvesting the corn this year…I have such good memories of riding with my grandpa. Maybe we’ll get acquainted with one sometime down the road…

Was checking the weather for this week, and tomorrow looks like the best day to get out (looks beautiful!), so I hope to get them out of the house and doing some things outside. Haven’t decided what yet, but I should have a good chunk of time in the morning if they are both on a one-nap schedule like they were today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21, 2011

Name: Flora

Date: 10-21-11

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: 7:15am, some cereal with dried fruit and milk

Snack 1: 9:10am, a little cereal, some crackers and raisins

Nap 1: 10:05-11:20

Lunch: 11:45am, all cheese, all broccoli, all sweet potato, a couple licks of apple

Nap 2: tried for a long time…she seemed tired, but never went to sleep. Sorry!! :/

Snack 2: 1:35pm, crackers and raisins

BM: none yet

Special notes: I tried the morning nap with Flora…she must have been tired, because she fell asleep in 5-10 minutes.

Name: Samuel

Date: 10-21-11

Arrived: 7:20am

Breakfast: 7:20am, a big chunk of bread and some oatmeal

Snack 1: ----

Nap 1: 10:05-11:15

Lunch: 11:45am, all cheese, all potato, all grapes, some broccoli, didn’t want banana, all yogurt

Nap 2: still trying, 3:40pm

Snack 2: 2:30pm, raisins

BM: none yet

Special notes:

A few things we did today: went to the grocery store (again!), went hiking on the Miami trails, went for a nice walk this afternoon, hung out in the middle room, practiced the alphabet

General notes: The kids really enjoyed getting out on the trail today. They both walked almost the entire time, minus a the last little bit when I picked up Sammy. Sammy, of course, was significantly slower than Flora (and he was also more distracted by things like sticks and dirt piles), so Flora was the leader the entire time. She would walk for a bit and then turn around and wait patiently for us to catch up a bit, and then she would take off again. I hated to hold her back, but there’s only so much we can do… :) She did really well, even slowing down to carefully step over tree roots. I hope we have a few more nice days so I can take the kids out again. There’s just something about being outside…for them, AND for me. :)

October 21, 2011 VIDEO

Hopefully this works. Video of the kids going through the alphabet. Not that exciting, but thought I'd post it anyway. They sure are cute. :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011 PICS

Flora working on her fish face.

Flora had a lot of fun with this scarf today.

Flora kindly trying to put Samuel's sock on his foot.

Sammy had some crazy hair after I tried to hold his head still to wipe his nose. My hands were wet from something...washing dishes maybe? But his hair made me smile, so I took a picture.

Flora mixing the bread. She really enjoyed this process!

I am sad I could not get a good picture of them in front of the oven looking at the bread...they move too quickly! And don't worry, the oven door doesn't get hot on the outside. I checked. :)

October 20, 2011

Pics coming later!

Name: Flora

Date: 10-20-11

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: 7:15am, cereal with a little milk

Snack 1: 9am, cereal with dried fruit

Nap 1: ----, she seemed tired, so I tried for a few minutes a couple times, but she didn’t go to sleep

Lunch: 10:50am, about half of the sweet potatoes, most of the broccoli, all of the cheese. By the way, I think because she has seen Samuel put PB on his veggies, she wanted PB on her veggies. It seemed to work to get her to eat them, though. I hope you don’t have anything against PB on veggies… :)

Nap 2: 12:40-1:35pm

Snack 2: 2:10, fruit bar

BM: late morning

Special notes: Flora really enjoyed mixing things today (we made bread). I helped her dump some of the ingredients in, and she helped mix. I’m excited about this because I love to bake, so I’m hoping we can do more of this together. The only problem today was that by the time the bread was ready to be kneaded, she was bored and wanted down, but I, of course, couldn’t just leave the bread, so she wasn’t very happy for the next 8 minutes or so while I kneaded. I will have to think ahead next time and figure something out for this time. I thought the measuring spoons would be interesting (they are magnetic!), but they didn’t hold her interest long enough. Learn as I go!! :)

She seemed pretty tired at times today, so I decided to try lunch just a little earlier and then put her down for a nap just a little bit later in hopes she may sleep a little longer.

Also, I wanted to note that Flora is trying to do somersaults on her own! She is getting closer…right now she puts her head down and then falls over to the side. I bet she’ll have it soon.

Name: Samuel

Date: 10-20-11

Arrived: 7:25am

Breakfast: already finished

Snack 1: ----

Nap 1: 10:05am-11:30

Lunch: 11:45, grapes (didn’t want banana), all pasta, all yogurt

Nap 2: 3:50-??

Snack 2: 2:10pm, cracker and raisins

BM: 12:15pm

Special notes: Sammy finally blew hard enough on that little noise maker that it made noise! I think he was pretty excited about that.

A few things we did today: No walk today, played inside all day as I did not have a car today, played musical instruments, went through the exercise songs, listened to music, blew bubbles, practiced the alphabet, played in Sammy’s room for a change of scenery, played in the kitchen and middle rooms, and Flora helped me mix bread!

General notes:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, 2011

No Pics Today, though I wish I had taken my camera to Goggin with Sammy...his face was awesome! :)

Name: Flora

Date: 10-19-11

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: 7:15am, grapes. Flora didn’t seem hungry at all, and she doesn’t seem to like the bananas/PB/pancake combo too much.

Snack 1: 9:30, cereal and dried fruit

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11am, a couple bites from breakfast, a little yogurt, most of broccoli, all of sweet potato, all of cheese

Nap 2: 12pm-1:05pm

Snack 2: left with Grandma

BM: none yet

Special notes: I can’t figure out why Flora is getting so upset at lunch now. She must have cried for 5 minutes straight. The only think I could figure today was that we heard a train, and I know she seemed like maybe she was afraid of trains before. She seemed to stop crying a couple minutes after the train was gone…? Any ideas? She also seems to be getting picky with her food and not eating as much. Again, this could just be her cold affecting her. I get a kick out of this: Sammy has a toy in his room that simply plays the tune to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” without words, and whenever Sammy starts it up, Flora recognizes the tune and starts clapping. :) We also worked on “teeth” today.

Name: Samuel

Date: 10-19-11

Arrived: 7:25am

Breakfast: already ate

Snack 1: 9:30, a little potato and some of Milo’s Cheerios

Nap 1: ----

Lunch: 11am, most of broccoli (with PB), a few bites of banana, about half of the rice mixture

Nap 2: 12pm-1:35pm

Snack 2: 3:30, smoothie

BM: 1:35pm

Special notes: Sammy also seems to be getting pickier about his food…not sure where that line is of letting them eat what they want and making sure they eat the “good” stuff. So, I am figuring that out I suppose. He is walking more and more and having better balance all the time. We did the smoothie thing this afternoon, and he downed it in no time! He started crying for more, so we had to make another one! Each one consisted of about half a container of yogurt, about 2 grapes, a chunk or two of cantaloupe, a few pieces of pineapple, and about 2 pieces of orange.

A few things we did today: went for a walk, played with Milo, went through a few exercise songs, played “drums” on empty milk cartons and an oatmeal container, After Flora left, Samuel and I went exploring. We checked out the new outdoor store in Oxford, then we went to Goggin Ice Arena and watched the hockey players shoot. We even saw the Zamboni! He LOVED it! I don’t think he wanted to leave. We also made a smoothie together.

General notes: I knew we would probably be stuck inside most of the day, so I took advantage of a small gap in the rain on the doplar this morning right after breakfast and bundled them up and went for a short walk. We stayed close, so when the rain picked up, we were right next to the house and came inside. The kids really enjoyed the “tunnel” we made today, and of course enjoyed time with Milo. They still don’t really play “together,” but I’m sure that will take some time before they are old enough to understand the benefit of playing with each other rather than beside each other. :) Flora also practiced the alphabet with me and watched Kermit’s alphabet in the swamp clip twice with me.