Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 11-16-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15, most oatmeal
Snack 1: 9:55, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:35, all grapes, most veggies, most hummus, all cheese
Nap 2: 12:45-1:50
Snack 2: 2:30, cereal, dried fruit, and crackers
BM: 12:15pm
Special notes:

Name: Samuel
Date: 11-16-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: already ate
Snack 1: 9:55, grapes
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:35, wouldn’t eat pasta or carrots, ate some hummus, all meatballs, all cantaloupe
Nap 2: 12:40-2:00
Snack 2: 2:30, cheese and a few grapes
BM: 12:15pm
Special notes:

A few things we did today: played with Milo this morning! We got a short walk in this afternoon, but it was pretty chilly.

General notes: The kids had a great time with Milo this morning. They all LOVED the tunnel, so we played in that for quite some time. Sorry, I feel like I am getting a little lazy with my postings…I’ll try to get back in the swing of more details.

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