Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011

Name: Flora
Date: 11-29-11
Arrived: 7:10am
Breakfast: 7:15am, about half of the toast
Snack 1: 9:30, cereal and dried fruit
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:55am, all grapes, most of the leftover toast, all veggies, all cheese, about half of yogurt and granola
Nap 2: 12:50-1:50
Snack 2: 2:30, 1/2 banana
BM: 2:00
Special notes: Everyone loves watching Flora at the Tri because she runs everywhere! All the parents are always commenting on it. It’s great! We also saw Jenaveve (sp??) with Lilly show said they knew you guys from church. She seemed really nice. Flora did great interacting with the other kids.

Name: Samuel
Date: 11-29-11
Arrived: 7:30am
Breakfast: 7:30, yes, Andrea, he finished all that oatmeal AND had a banana. The kid’s stomach is bottomless! :)
Snack 1: 9:30, O’s
Nap 1: ----
Lunch: 11:55, a few pieces of cauliflower, all cheese sandwich, all pineapple and melon
Nap 2: 1:15-3:15, sort of. Samuel was awake on and off throughout that time, so it is hard to say how long he actually slept. He slept the first hour, but then he just kind of moaned like he does on and off for the next while.
Snack 2: 3:20, banana
BM: 10:30
Special notes: Sammy was falling asleep when he was eating today! Poor guy. You were right, Andrea. He was tired. They did go down a little bit earlier than normal, but he still didn’t fall asleep until well past 1.

A few things we did today: Our big adventure for the day was the Tri. We were there for almost an hour and a half, and both kids seemed to have a blast! They are beginning to interact with some of the other kids, and some of the other moms jumped in to involve Sam and Flora. It’s really great to have such a resource! We did our exercises today, too, and the kids are slowly starting to chime in! Samuel was trying to make his arm go like a windshield wiper today, and Flora was saying “beep” for the car noises during one song. Flora also participated in the motor sounds of the car. Pretty soon they’ll be touching their heads and toes during “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”! :)

General notes: Just a note: a man at the Tri reminded me that this Friday, there are some holiday festivities uptown from 6-8:30. Sounds like fun for kids! I think this might be the event where some of Mr. Pearson’s group sings in the parks, too. Pretty cool. I might see if I can squeeze it in, but I bet it would be even more exciting for the little guys!

1 comment:

  1. You meant Genevieve, right? ;p :) I figured, since that's the only girl in town I know with that name, and daughter's name. Huhh... small world that she knows Flora because of same church... didn't know that... I know her from years ago, her husband Pat being in the same group of friends with my ex... -plus- they live down the street from Virgi. Small world... ;))
